Came across a film today that shows the beauty of Zagreb. Goes on a bit (for me), but definitely highlights the things that my heart aches for. Zagreb is a truly beautiful place to be.
Seven minutes with music and speed of visuals that may not appeal to the older generation, but you can turn the volume down and try to enjoy the imagery!
Watch it here.
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
Head down
As I typed the title of this, it occurred to me that it might refer to the approach of birth time, but this is not the case and apologies to anyone who might be DYING for a new baby in their lives - I shall not be providing that particular service at this time.
No, on this occasion it refers to study time. I am busy learning all about the theory of driving and it's really very interesting! I am loving it. Most of it is common sense and really rather obvious, thankfully, but other stuff I knew nothing about!
"In wet conditions your car can aquaplane. This means the tyres have lifted off the surface of the road and are skating on the surface of the water. If your steering suddenly becomes very light, while driving on a wet road, this is a sign that your are aquaplaning. To correct it ease off the accelerator and allow the tyres to regain grip." [With thanks to Driving Test Success]
I wonder if Jesus was aquaplaning when He walked on water. Perhaps He was accelerating so fast that He obtained lift off.
Anyway, it made me chuckle rather a lot. I must find a use for the word 'aquaplaning' in everyday language. It's a good one.
I am also studying codependency and addictions, about which I shall post more another day, when my thoughts have been collected and turned into words rather than fluffy bits of wool.
Love to you all and hope you're enjoying this rather fickle April weather more than I am!!
No, on this occasion it refers to study time. I am busy learning all about the theory of driving and it's really very interesting! I am loving it. Most of it is common sense and really rather obvious, thankfully, but other stuff I knew nothing about!
"In wet conditions your car can aquaplane. This means the tyres have lifted off the surface of the road and are skating on the surface of the water. If your steering suddenly becomes very light, while driving on a wet road, this is a sign that your are aquaplaning. To correct it ease off the accelerator and allow the tyres to regain grip." [With thanks to Driving Test Success]
I wonder if Jesus was aquaplaning when He walked on water. Perhaps He was accelerating so fast that He obtained lift off.
Anyway, it made me chuckle rather a lot. I must find a use for the word 'aquaplaning' in everyday language. It's a good one.
I am also studying codependency and addictions, about which I shall post more another day, when my thoughts have been collected and turned into words rather than fluffy bits of wool.
Love to you all and hope you're enjoying this rather fickle April weather more than I am!!
Thursday, 12 April 2012
Ordering time
Twenty four minutes. Not bad. And then one minute to bring my tea with a big smile and a cheeky wink. Very impressive.
Jelly for brains
Sitting in the cafe in Highgate Woods, I just heard a small child tell his mother that our brains are softer than jelly. I have always imagined mine to be more like a walnut and the idea of it being as soft as jelly disconcerts me. I feel quite vulnerable now and am suddenly aware of how thin my skull really is in the big scheme of things.
I am also wondering how long it will take until the staff notice me and give me some tea. I don't mind being ignored today. It's quite nice actually, but I remain mildly curious and am experiencing an unexpected sort of satisfaction at being able to sit at this lovely table in this lovely cafe without having to order anything. I might even be cheeky in a bit and get my own drink out of my bag...
I am also wondering how long it will take until the staff notice me and give me some tea. I don't mind being ignored today. It's quite nice actually, but I remain mildly curious and am experiencing an unexpected sort of satisfaction at being able to sit at this lovely table in this lovely cafe without having to order anything. I might even be cheeky in a bit and get my own drink out of my bag...
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
Life in the fast lane
Life has overtaken me somewhat and despite seemingly having a lot of free time, I have surprisingly little time to write or to think or to just be.
Everyone who needs to know, knows what's going on in my life; and those that don't know, probably don't need to know. Suffice to say, I feel as if I am juggling more balls than I can handle. I am making lists every day and working my way through each one. This makes me feel pretty good as I know I am achieving small things. I am clearing the site to make space for the big things.
As to the big things, they are all things that I have no control over, so I am forced to wait and be patient. Patience, patience. A difficult thing to have when so many things I want and am waiting for are held in the hands of others.
Everyone who needs to know, knows what's going on in my life; and those that don't know, probably don't need to know. Suffice to say, I feel as if I am juggling more balls than I can handle. I am making lists every day and working my way through each one. This makes me feel pretty good as I know I am achieving small things. I am clearing the site to make space for the big things.
As to the big things, they are all things that I have no control over, so I am forced to wait and be patient. Patience, patience. A difficult thing to have when so many things I want and am waiting for are held in the hands of others.
'erbal tea
I can now report back on the fantastically cheap tea strainer I bought in Norway. It miraculously happens to be the best herbal tea 'bag' I have ever used and I have already received requests for next time I am in Norway. A most excellent purchase.

PS Apologies for the photo - I can't work out how to 'turn' it... :-(
PS Apologies for the photo - I can't work out how to 'turn' it... :-(