Thursday, 28 August 2014


Meh (milk) was today accompanied by the sign for milk! Hurrah! It works! :-)

Tuesday, 26 August 2014


Wow…last night I slept in the guest room, leaving the man with the boy to see if it impacted feeding times.

Down from 5-6 feeds a night, feed at 11pm and one and 4am and STILL asleep at almost 7am…though he WAS awake for a whole hour after each feed.

Not sure where the man is…possibly he's overslept and is still in the bedroom. Must go check...

Monday, 25 August 2014

New skills for the weekend

Climbing up the entire length of stairs (to an excitable 3 year old).

Saying 'meh' regularly to mean 'milk'.

Giving me things when I ask for them - like pegs when I'm hanging up washing (helpful boy!) or a kiss.

Putting things into boxes (rather than just taking them out).


Climbing into the living room from the garden (not a first this weekend, but perfected with a climb, then a combat roll onto the carpet).

Climbing up and over small walls (in soft play) - landing on face and doing combat roll as above.

Eating lumpy stuff (bolognese sauce) off a spoon (though admittedly spitting it out again).

Eating a prawn.

Eating pasta and spaghetti.

Waiting on the edge of the bed for me to pick him up after he has woken from his nap.

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

20 - 6 = 14

Sixth tooth has just started popping out - hurrah!

A couple more days, then the pain/sleeplessness will only be x14. Yay!

Friday, 1 August 2014

The truth about truth

Apologies to those sensitive to the crude(ish) language. I am sure you can appreciate the meaning anyway.

This made me chuckle lots. It is so very, very true!

Amusing images from childhood

Today I made my first squid risotto and both adults in the house loved it. So did the little man and the amusing image of him with squid legs sticking out of his little mouth is not one I shall forget for a long time! His love of rice continues and he complemented his meal with avocado and tomato. Definitely making that again.