Thursday, 28 April 2016

An ordinary life

Today I'm tireder than usual because I went out last night. With my two month old daughter and just to a positive birth meeting, but it was nice to sit around with other women and drink tea and eat cake, to be out of the house. I felt a bit more me. Though it meant a late night.

This evening it's windy and rainy outside. I'm cosy curled up on the sofa with my baby girl sleeping on my chest, a lovely snuggly soft blanket covering us, the room around me slowly getting darker...waiting for the man to get the boy to sleep so I can eat more and maybe watch something funny on TV.

Life is full of blessings.

Sunday, 24 April 2016

A wake up present

From my 2.5 year old son, delivered with a cuddle and a kiss. My heart is melting.

Friday, 22 April 2016

Friday night dilemma

Organic lettuce so organic that even on fifth (very thorough) wash, the water is full of aphids. Do I keep washing it, just eat it or throw it...?

This evening's great pleasures

Cutting tomatoes with an exceptionally sharp knife.

Mastering the art of feeding my infant in a sling while writing this/cooking our dinner (fajitas).

Tasting my homemade guacamole (best yet!).

Snacking on baked cauliflower leaves.

Listening to my son and husband chat, while one tries to make the other sleep, while the other tries to keep the other one awake.

The soothing sounds of fajita sauce bubbling on the hob, the hum of the tumble dryer, the tick of the clock through the baby monitor and the occasional satisfied baby sound of my nursing infant as she falls asleep.

The knowledge that soon both kids will be asleep and I'll be eating a yummylicious dinner.