Friday, 24 June 2016

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade

Post EU referendum. 

I'm not happy right now, but it's in my nature to find the best in life. We don't know the outcome. Something has needed to change in this country for a long time. This isn't what I'd have chosen, but let's wait and see. Let's unify with everyone who calls this country home of some kind or another, and let's do our damnedest to make the best of what we have. I read a post recently about when life gives you onions, and how onionade sucks....but chutney is nice. Especially with cheese.

Sunday, 12 June 2016

Cheeky monkey

Still not eating, my cheeky monkey says pitifully (and hopefully), from the living room floor, "how about a bottle of milk...?"

Toddler requests

Not having eaten anything all day and not having eaten properly for most of the week, my toddler now wants a triangular egg.

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Nomadic hearts...?

Feeling sad my mama left this morning. What a lovely week and so delightful to see the bond she has with my son. Our family was split by geography as a child and still is. My heart hurts with the separation, but I know we're a family of individuals who travel to find their homes. I'm looking forward to travelling to see her again in summer, to the second of my homes.