"I know what I know, mama, remember? Don't tell me or ask me, remember? I'm talking to you, mama. Daddy, not you, I'm talking to mama!"
...as he is meant to be falling asleep in the car...
"I know what I know, mama, remember? Don't tell me or ask me, remember? I'm talking to you, mama. Daddy, not you, I'm talking to mama!"
...as he is meant to be falling asleep in the car...
The boy found an almost dead bee and was very distressed that he might die. After much caring, with water, flowers and finally sugar water, Mr Bee came back to life and was liberated the next day when the sun was up. The boy was very happy, to say the least, and extremely proud that we'd saved Mr Bee.
Stormy clouds have come and gone (hopefully).
Silver linings: I had snuggles with both kids before bed, I had an hour in the middle of the night to appreciate my beautiful daughter, I slept on leopard print, I have eaten some yummy and filling food in the last 24 hours, I love my mama, my husband makes me laugh and feel loved. I am lucky.
Me: do you want more milk or have you finished?
One year old (clear as a bell): finished. [Walks off, hands in the air, and investigates the toy box]
First word after mama, da (daddy), and ba (Baka). Some approximation of yes (deh) and no, but that one is less clear - she tends to utilise shouting random sounds if she's unhappy. She's also taken to putting her hand over her mouth when coughing, even in her sleep, and both hands over her eyes when crying. 😍