Friday, 27 October 2017

Bird obsession day

Son in car today: how do birds fly? How do you eat a whole bird? How do their faces stay alive? How do they eat? How do they breathe? How do they pick things up? Some wierd bird obsession today.

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

It's all lies!

Just watched daughter throw my phone on the floor.
Me: did you just throw my phone on the floor?
Daughter: no.
Me: yes you did, that's such a porkie pie!
Daughter: [giggles with big grin on her face]


Role playing

Son's voice from toilet: daddy!
Me: it's mama.
Son: pretend you're daddy!
Me: ok. (Deep voice) Do you need help?
Son: no! You say "cool your jets!" because you're busy.
Me: ok, cool your jets! And wash your hands.
Son: no! You have to force me to wash my hands, because otherwise I won't!

Monday, 23 October 2017

Preschooler time measurement

Son: are we nearly there?
Me: 36 minutes.
[Four minutes later]
Son: are we nearly there?
Me: 32 minutes.
Son: that's longer than *muffled word*
Me: no, it was 36 before - that's four minutes shorter.
Son: oh mama, I didn't say longer than before, I said that's longer than a Porsche.
Me: oh...yes...yes it is...

Thursday, 19 October 2017

'God', as viewed by a preschooler

Son: god lives underground.
Me: under the pavement?
Son: yes.
Me: who is god?
Son: his job is to stop people stepping on the cracks and lines.

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Keep looking up

We always look up, even if it means we end up standing in poop. To see the moon, the stars, the changing colours of leaves, the sunshine, the shifting shapes of clouds, the bright blue autumnal sky, faces of people watching from afar, catch an eye, smile and wave, make a connection, see the beautiful shapes of roofs, see the birds. We always look up.

Thursday, 5 October 2017

Preschoolers are literal beings

The boy asked me where the Lego lighthouse we made was. "God knows," I replied. He stood on the windowsill yelling out the small window for God for about two minutes before I persuaded him down, explaining that I meant I didn't know. 😂

Wednesday, 4 October 2017


Migraine pre kids: lie in dark room until I feel better.

Migraine with preschoolers: lie on sofa with TV and tablet blaring, bright lights, a fake moustache, breastfeeding littlest who is trying to poke my eyes open, with constant "play with me!" requests from eldest...while panicking mildly about how to drive or cycle to nursery.

Thank goodness for a good nursery mummy friend who collected my son, so I didn't have to drive or cycle to nursery with my little ones this morning. There are angels all around.