Ready for our big night. 😂 Happy new year to you all from us. I hope 2018 brings you more moments of enlightenment and contentment, surrounds you with love and brings more laughter to your hearts. Its been a pretty dark year - here's to the return of light. With love from me. ❤️
Sunday, 31 December 2017
Sunday, 24 December 2017
Xmas excitement
* After much thoughtful silence while we're lying in bed waiting for the boy to sleep. *
Four year old son: Mama, what if Santa comes through the front door?
Me: well he has a special key and he'll lock it afterwards.
Son: no, I mean, he might not find his snacks. Can you write a note for the front door please?
Me: ok. I'll do that.
* Silence while I half doze. Open my eyes to find him staring at my face. *
Son: this is my excited face, mama!
Me: [smile and a kiss] I know sweetheart.
* More thoughtful silence. *
Son: mama, I don't think Santa has a sleigh.
Me: ok, what does he have?
Son: he has a motorbike. That man with the Santa hat on the motorbike was actually Santa...and the reindeer magic makes it fly.
* More silence. *
Son: but the motorbike is electric otherwise it would be too noisy.
Me: ah yes maybe, time to sleep now...!
* Silence. *
Son: mama? Does Santa ho ho ho in every house?
Me: only if he really likes the snack, and then he says "ho, ho, ho, lovely mince pies!"
Son: but he must say it quietly. [Whispers ho ho ho]
Me: shall we put on your birdsong music to help you sleep?
Son: yes, that's a good idea. I'm too excited. That will help me sleep!
* Asleep within about two minutes. *
Friday, 15 December 2017
The kindness of a child
The biggest, this morning, asked how well I slept and when I said terribly (due to daughter's itching hands and my cold), gave me a head massage and sang to me to help me feel better. I had to gather up my melted heart!
He's been worried, of late, about living alone as an adult. We had a long chat yesterday about how he never has to live alone if he doesn't want to. He can live in house share or a commune or cohousing. I have never lived alone (at 40) and never desired to. I think this comforted him.
The littlest, meanwhile, has been busy learning. Learning everything. She recognises four and six, and can count to ten. She's learning colours and sentences. We were blowing bubbles in the garden yesterday and as they floated out of her reach, she shouted "Get back!"
Development of children is the most fascinating thing ever to me. It is a wholly absorbing process, where I try to miss nothing that needs resolving or amending. Good foundations allow a strong structure.
Thursday, 14 December 2017
The art of rules
Eldest trying to reach youngest the rules of a race. She's totally not getting it and I hear him shout "Oh, you little rascal!"
Occasionally there is success and I hear a double "Yay!"
Patience of a preschooler and randomness of a toddler. The beats of my heart. 😍
Wednesday, 13 December 2017
Saturday, 9 December 2017
Xmas tree shopping
Today is the day we bought the tree. Beautiful frosty day, gorgeous for a walk or bike ride. We took the kids' bikes so we could have a longer trip of it. Littlest cried the whole time, even on her bike, while we chose the tree, because she was cold (wouldn't wear her gloves) and tired, biggest was sad because we didn't want a seven foot spindly tree that looked like an oversized twig, then spent the rest of the time using his willow wand to turn people into stinky whatevers. In theory a wonderful fun activity, in reality, the boy enjoyed himself mostly, the girl once she got back into the car and maybe five minutes of cycling. I enjoyed the sunshine and the frost. At least we got a tree that doesn't harm the environment. 😍
Thursday, 7 December 2017
Carb daughter
The kale eater ate quarter of an apple today AND 12 olives AND chocolate covered apricots. Mama is winning! 🤗
Spice of life
Opened biscuits in the spice cupboard means our rich tea taste of curry - garam masala and ground coriander mostly. Kind of interesting! Have put new ones in a glass jar. 😂
Tuesday, 5 December 2017
Cycle lovers
We get lots of comments, from adults and older kids mostly, about how speedy the four year old boy is on his red bike. I feel so proud of him and his efforts and I delight in his joy of cycling and racing along, especially his love of off-roading.
Now the 21 month old girlie is getting fast too - I have to trot to keep up. Yesterday she escaped out the school gates in the time it took to put the boy's bike lights on. Thankfully I got her in time. Today I tied her bike up with a bungy rope until the boy and I were ready to leave. Foiled her completely. Relief for mama!
She's doing well. Experimenting with different terrains, dirt, leaves, stones. She's also trying out hills and curbs. Head over handlebars at a particularly large curb, so she then spent about 15 minutes practicing getting off her bike to lift it up and down large curbs. She's loving the freedom and the speed.
Two joys of my heart, watching them do stuff they love.