Wednesday, 6 November 2019

My little helper

Six year old son is going through the huge clean laundry pile in the lounge and folding stuff and putting it away!! Love him so much!! ❤️❤️❤️   


Friday, 1 November 2019

Multitasking / kiddie poops

Two days ago I was speaking to my boss on the phone while stealth wiping the bum of one of the kids. 

Five hours into our journey up north, while the other kid was having a poop in a large cubicle of a petrol station, I did some yoga - warriors 1, 2 and 3, some balances, some forward, backward and side bends, some triangle poses and some spinal twists. Nothing that required anything other than feet on the floor. My life seems to be multitasking during poops at the moment. 

#YogaMama #WorkingMama

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Gifts from the heart

Today's gifts from my beautiful three year old girlie. ❤️

Sunday, 20 October 2019

A growing child

Son woke up this morning and told me he'd grown. Said the toilet was lower down today. Measured him and he's about 2cm taller than when I measured him two days ago. The anticipated growth spurt has happened. 😂😍 Hopefully we can go back to sensible sleeping patterns again now. 

Thursday, 17 October 2019

Having a horse for a child

After a very large post school snack (yoghurt, grapes, nectarine, chocolate, cucumber, tomatoes), six year old just ate an entire oversized head of brocolli with his large dinner. Like the whole thing. Guess I won't be eating any for my lunch tomorrow. 😭 He's eating like a six foot something top athlete at the moment. I'm awaiting a massive growth spurt imminently. 😳

Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Being a child

Today I was a child, jumping in puddles, feeling the squelchy mud beneath my boots, running through little rivers, picking up conkers, holding my face up to the sunshine, imagining fairy worlds in the forest tracks, and looking at mirror worlds in the water. I lived and loved nature. 

A few people told me later they were envious of me feeling free enough to jump, that they get urges to do so, but worry what others will think. Others said they'd never even contemplate such splashing, worrying about muddy shoes or wet socks. 

I'm glad I feel free enough to let my inner child allowed out to play regularly. What a blessing!



Six year old told me that he and a friend put on a funny show at school today, they were chefs making pizza, but instead of ketchup, they said to paint the pizza and they made everyone laugh. 

He said that later on they made actual pizzas - his was with pepperoni and pineapple, very adventurous ingredients were provided by the sounds of things!

He was so happy with himself and I was so happy to hear he felt free to be silly and have fun. As life should be. 

Saturday, 28 September 2019

Funny turn of phrase

Looking at a canvas on the wall of herself in my sling, sitting next to her brother and Baka, daughter says "So, that's me in mama's pocket, and my brother and Baka, who is pretty old really." Love her turn of phrase! My funny girl! 😂❤️

Thursday, 26 September 2019

The birth day anniversary

Our beautiful boy, named 'angel face' for the first few days before we settled on a name, was born six years ago today. He has become a kind, loving, passionate, boy, with a huge heart, a special sight for the fragments of beauty and love in the world that most people miss. He hears everything. He understands so much more than his young mind should. He is the light of my life, the first person who held a mirror to my soul to show me the unseen lights that shine within me, and the first person to hold a torch in the darkest corners of my soul, allowing me to grow and become more who I should always have been. I am so grateful he was brought to me and will always love him with all my heart. Happy birthday, my son. ❤️

(And he surpassed himself this morning, rising at 2am for his birthday! Thankfully we got him to sleep another hour or so around 5/6ish - our son of the boundless energy!)

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Pre birthday excitement

Trying to get excited pre birthday son to sleep and he spent about 40 minutes telling me about how much love he has in his heart it feels like it's going to burst, and then the love will be shared around the world, and his heart will get put back together and healed bigger, so it can contain more love. Then he told me all about his idea for backpack polystyrene mini houses for homeless people, with waterproof taping and an electricity conductor to make sure they don't get struck by lightening...and how when he's bigger he'll be a builder and get all his mates to build free houses with him for homeless people. My son. ❤️❤️❤️

Thursday, 19 September 2019

Compassion of a five year old

Asked son yesterday if he did anything new at school that day. He said he had, with great excitement. He said he'd seen a girl in his year who he didn't know who was standing all alone at lunch time. So he asked her if she wanted to join in playing with him and his friends. She did. ❤️

Proud mama. 😍

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Three year old gratitude

Apparently dinner is "poo poo rubbish" according to my three year old. I'm serving spaghetti (which she has loved every since first trying it), but she wanted polenta.

I look forward to the day when she will be perfectly welcome to choose what she's having for dinner because SHE'LL BE COOKING IT! 😂😂😂

Sunday, 15 September 2019

Sleepy contemplations

Daughter's falling asleep words:

"Mama, if I cut my ear off, it would really, really hurt..." 😳

I suppose I should be grateful she wasn't talking about my ear! 😂


Daughter tells me she loves tan (my legs) and teal (my coat) and a whole host of other colours three year olds shouldn't know and men don't distinguish. 😂

Friday, 13 September 2019

Lessons from a five year old

The other night when putting him to sleep, five year old son told me he'd figured out a way to calm himself - breathe in through his nose and out through his mouth. He then said, "mama, I really like who I am, I like me."

❤️❤️❤️ #VeryProudMama #NaturalYogi #JobDone

Wednesday, 28 August 2019

Bedtime for a preschooler...

Daughter took FOREVER to go to sleep this evening. A sample...

Daughter: [while yawning head off, for about five minutes] I'm bored, I'm bored, I'm bored, I'm bored...

Me, eventually: go to sleep and you won't be bored. Dreams are fun...

Daughter: Why is there houses and people and tablets? It's boring...

Daughter: Why do we have watering cans?...

[Just as I think she's asleep]
Daughter: Have I met Italy?

Me: Italy is a place. (Getting sucked into the talking now)

Daughter: Have I been to Italy?

Me: no. I have, you haven't ... And go to sleep, you have five minutes or daddy is coming up.

Wish I'd said that earlier. She was asleep in less than five minutes!

Ears are open

This morning - [wailing from living room]
Son: sorry I hurt you, I didn't mean to. Do you want a hug?
Daughter: [sniffling] it really hurt me, but thank you for saying sorry. [Accepts hug]

Sooo proud of them! This is a massive step forward! ❤️❤️

#TaughtThemWell #AGoodDay #FinallyListeningToMe

Back to the old school ways

It's been a tough few weeks, with many moments of loveliness, but exhausting. After a bad start to this day (daughter awake for two hours overnight, son up at 4.30, broken fried egg - such a calamity!), today has been unexpectedly wonderful.

We visited the old people with a local mummy friend and her three kids. Back at ours after, the five kids spent the whole day playing together, like cousins. It was peaceful (despite the chaos and noise), and nourishing for the heart and soul.

Then it was kidswap with a neighbour, old school, our three eldest running between our houses and the two youngest playing in their front garden.

Life sometimes gives you the most wonderful gifts just when you need them. ❤️

Sunday, 4 August 2019


After two hours sleep on my part, three year old woke me at 1.30. Just as I was falling asleep around 3am, five year old got up, too excited to sleep. He's even got dressed. I'm very reluctantly giving up on sleep. 😳😭 Taken the hit for the man, because he has a long drive ahead of him today. I plan to sleep like a baby tonight (not one of mine, one that sleeps through).

#HolidayTime ✈️ ❤️ 🇭🇷

Thursday, 1 August 2019

Joke time!

This made me think of the third of my big brothers. 😂


A rabbit walks into a pub and says to the barman,
'Can I have a pint of beer, and a Ham and Cheese Toastie?'

The barman is amazed, but gives the rabbit a pint of beer and a ham and cheese toastie.

The rabbit drinks the beer and eats the toastie. He then leaves.

The following night the rabbit returns and again asks for a pint of beer, and a Ham and Cheese Toastie.

The barman, now intrigued by the rabbit and the extra drinkers in the pub, (because word gets round), gives the rabbit the pint and the Toastie. The rabbit consumes them and leaves.

The next night, the pub is packed.

In walks the rabbit and says, 'A pint of beer and a Ham and Cheese Toastie, please barman.'

The crowd is hushed as the barman gives the rabbit his pint and toastie, and then burst into applause as the rabbit wolfs them down.

The next night there is standing room only in the pub.

Coaches have been laid on for the crowds of patrons attending.

The barman is making more money in one week than he did all last year

In walks the rabbit and says, 'A pint of beer and a Ham and Cheese Toastie, please barman.'

The barman says, 'I'm sorry rabbit, old mate, old mucker, but we are right out of them Ham and Cheese Toasties.'

The rabbit looks aghast.

The crowd has quietened to almost a whisper, when the barman clears his throat nervously and says,
'We do have a very nice Cheese and Onion Toastie.

The rabbit looks him in the eye and says, 'Are you sure I will like it.'

The crowd's bated breath is ear shatteringly silent.

The barman, with a roguish smile says, 'Do you think that I would let down one of my best friends. I know you'll love it.'

'Ok,' says the rabbit, 'I'll have a pint of beer and a Cheese and Onion Toastie.'

The pub erupts with glee as the rabbit quaffs the beer and guzzles the toastie.

He then waves to the crowd and leaves....


One year later, in the now impoverished public house, the barman, (who has only served 4 drinks tonight, 3 of which were his), calls time.

When he is cleaning down the now empty bar, he sees a small white form, floating above the bar.

The barman says, 'Who are you?

To which he is answered,
'I am the ghost of the rabbit that used to frequent your public house.'

The barman says, 'I remember you. You made me famous.

You would come in every night and have a pint of beer and a Ham and Cheese Toastie. Masses came to see you and this place was famous.'

The rabbit says, 'Yes I know.'

The barman said, 'I remember, on your last night we didn't have any Ham and Cheese Toasties. You had a Cheese and Onion one instead.'

The rabbit said, 'Yes, you promised me that I would love it.'

The barman said, 'You never came back, what happened?'

'I DIED', said the rabbit.

'NO!' said the barman. 'What from?'

After a short pause, the rabbit said ...


Wednesday, 31 July 2019

Precious children

So proud of my boy today at this week's local Day Centre visit. He sat and hugged 4-5 carefully chosen old ladies for quite a long time. Pretty sure he made their day. When I asked how he chose who he wanted to hug, he shrugged and said "they chose me." He's such a precious boy. Balances out the challenges. One lovely German lady, one of their favourites, also gave them £1 each for ice creams. Such a wonderful gift to them, such a kind thing to do. We're so lucky to connect with such lovely souls. ❤️🥰

Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Third day of summer holidays

Kids chatted to the old folk for an hour at the local Day Centre this morning. We all had a lovely time. Good to see some now familiar faces and some new ones too. ❤️ Took the kids to a charity shop after so they could choose to spend some of their money from their money boxes. They were so excited to be spending their own money and carefully counting out around £2 each. A morning of good and enjoyable life lessons.

This afternoon, I spent 1.5 hours chilling in the pool with the boy, while girlie played happily with sand and water. It's been a blissfully relaxed day. The only thing missing was their daddy and my lovely man. 🌞🥰

Monday, 22 July 2019

A relaxing Monday afternoon

Son asked for a times tables poster, which I obligingly purchased. Now I'm lying in the sun being tested on my times tables skills. 😂

Sunday, 21 July 2019

Camping weekend

A weekend of happy kids running free and playing with friends. A weekend of happy adults chatting with other adults. A weekend of rain, feeling cosy in the tent, sunshine and fresh air, green all around.

Camping feet don't appear to want to scrub clean. Seems I brought the weekend home with me on my soles as well as in my soul. Dirty feet are happy feet.

🙂 ❤️

Friday, 12 July 2019

End of year report time

So proud of the kids' reports. Son is exceeding in almost everything, but the best bit was his compassion and kindness towards others, often volunteering to be a friendship buddy for others when they need support. ❤️ Daughter has made a great start at preschool, doing wonderfully academically and finally starting to settle well after near constant anxiety at drop off. 🙏 I think they'll both have a great year next year. Feeling thankful, blessed, lucky and so incredibly proud of my kind, loving, chatterbox, hard workers. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Thursday, 6 June 2019

Making up songs

Three year old daughter's song as she scooted home from school: "I really want to have a campervan, I really want to have a motorhome, I really want to live in campervan..." ❤️😊

Thursday, 30 May 2019

Time to end the holidays

Kids want to do homework. Guess they're ready for school again! 😂🥰 Handwriting practice and maths. ❤️

Wednesday, 29 May 2019


Daughter asked me to keep the door open, so she could make sure the world was still on the other side. Reminded me that when I was little I used to get scared of the transience and impermanence of the world too. I'd forgotten how scary the world can seem to a little person. ❤️

Monday, 27 May 2019

Strength of character

Daughter is so stubborn, she fell asleep sitting up this evening while muttering "storeeee" repeatedly and sadly for 45 minutes (I said no, because she chose a longer bath and playing with the rocket instead). Admittedly for the last 10 minutes she was half leaning on me. I am in awe of her determination. She's going to be a strong woman one day! ❤️

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Today's bedtime game

As chosen by the kids: their game with daddy today is him being a white blood cell and them being germs. 😂

Child of many faces

Following on from my precious son's "does it sound like the stars are singing?" comment, passing a wind farm in the car, he dreamily said "mama, I'd love to be a wind turbine."

"Why darling," I asked him, expecting something beautiful.

"Because then I can chop people up with my blades..."


Thursday, 18 April 2019

Impressive daddy

Daughter realised that the photos in our house of a man riding a mountain bike are actually daddy: "Impressive daddy, you have to bow to him now!"

😳 😂


Monday, 15 April 2019

Sound bath

Son just gave me the most beautiful sound bath with my tongue drum, and asked me "does it sound like the stars are singing?" My incredible, precious child. ❤️ ⭐

Saturday, 13 April 2019

Third tooth

Son is now three teeth down. He's going to be rich by the end of the year!!

Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Big little hearts

"I luv you mama" - ❤️❤️❤️ my daily notes from my boy. They sometimes include "dadee" too. 🥰 Sunshine and flowers and handprints and love from the girlie too. Things that make life more beautiful. 🙏

Saturday, 16 March 2019

Small child achievements

Daughter chose to do counting at bedtime instead of being read to. She had six magnets and kept adding and taking them away. She was fascinated that 3+3 and 1+5 and 2+4 all equal 6. Was so amazing to watch her process.

Son apparently did 5 miles mountain biking in the forest with daddy today.

I'm so impressed with the pair of them. ❤

Friday, 8 March 2019

International Women's Day

First person to buy me daffodils on Women's Day was my dad, when I lived in Croatia when I was 14. Found a bunch of daffodils, a card and a bottle of drink on my  doorstep, anonymously left there. Such a kind and thoughtful thing to do and so welcome at this time. It's been a very hard few months and the words in the card boosted me so much.

Happy International Women's Day, all you awesome women I know. Today's the day to enjoy and celebrate the parts of you that make you a wonderful woman...then repeat every single day for the rest of your life. 🙏❤️😘

Sunday, 24 February 2019

Going rate for fairies

Not quite there yet, but wondering what the going rate for tooth fairies is these days. And whether there is still a different price for normal teeth and molars.

(Son has made a house big enough for the fairy and her friends and toys, and says he'll leave some money out for her in case she's running low for herself 😍)

Saturday, 9 February 2019

Staying healthy

My 82 year old dad has just been jogging. A short one, but jogging nonetheless. Am very impressed and proud of his efforts!

Tuesday, 5 February 2019

The definition of love

I love this. A definition of love: "The will to extend one's self for the purpose of nurturing one's own or another's spiritual growth."

While the last five years of motherhood have been damn hard, I have grown more than I knew I needed to. My love for them and theirs for me. Each and every person that I have loved or has loved me, has enabled me to grow in ways I was previously blind to.

Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Time to slow down

An hour of Guess Who where daughter refused to ask questions other than has yours got eyes or a nose or ears. Must cultivate an appreciation of slow pace of life and greater patience. 🙄