Sunday, 24 February 2019

Going rate for fairies

Not quite there yet, but wondering what the going rate for tooth fairies is these days. And whether there is still a different price for normal teeth and molars.

(Son has made a house big enough for the fairy and her friends and toys, and says he'll leave some money out for her in case she's running low for herself 😍)

Saturday, 9 February 2019

Staying healthy

My 82 year old dad has just been jogging. A short one, but jogging nonetheless. Am very impressed and proud of his efforts!

Tuesday, 5 February 2019

The definition of love

I love this. A definition of love: "The will to extend one's self for the purpose of nurturing one's own or another's spiritual growth."

While the last five years of motherhood have been damn hard, I have grown more than I knew I needed to. My love for them and theirs for me. Each and every person that I have loved or has loved me, has enabled me to grow in ways I was previously blind to.