Today is officially the first day of packing. Now my birthday is over, it is time to get serious. I have to tell you, before I do, that over the weekend I ate my own weight in the most delicious form of sugar I have ever consumed. Check out 'little lime cakes' at the Gluttonous Vegan website here and if you make any, please bring me one. Yummy!
Anyway, in my first attempt to start packing, I picked up a birthday card from my friend Kathy who moved to Thailand in February last year. It's been sitting at the foot of my bed for a year to keep me focused. It has this comment on the front: "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you imagined." On the inside there's a little picture of our rooms in our old house this time last year, and then a plane and a sunshine and the world, then me and Kathy together somewhere random for my birthday this year. She's only a month out, but she was right. It seems that visualisation has worked a treat for me and it's taken into account the fact that I'm usually a bit late for everything.
Now I need to start focusing on my little stone cottage in the countryside. Then there's the small issue of packing...
Glad you liked them lovely! I'm allergic to dairy too so wholeheartedly encourage you to make my ginger chocomousse pie, like a cheesecake minus the bad cheese but still 100% DELISH