Wednesday 7 April 2010

A gaggle of baby tree people

It is cold and very windy here. This is the only thing of note. It has been raining pretty much all day. I did a half hour of yoga on the roof this morning and then the wind made me fall over, so I decided it was time to go indoors.

The wind is so strong that at lunchtime the trees fell over on the balcony (they're in big pots, not growing out of the balcony itself - the wind was not that strong). I had to rush out in the first pair of shoes I could find easily (not mine actually, I looked like a clown in what I think are possibly size tens) and rescue the poor little things. I raised them back to vertical and pushed them to the far left, as far away from the wind as possible and they are still huddled there in the dark, like a little gaggle of baby tree people hiding in the corner. I'll be able to see them from my bedroom window as I am curled up, warm, under my duvet, and I will feel sorry for them in the cold... It's like being on the top deck of Titanic out there, so invigorating and free, but it is very cold too. I am glad I am not a tree.

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