Friday, 22 November 2013

Sleep ramblings

Last night I tried to wake the man to pass me the crying baby on his side of the bed, but he just muttered something about pipework. Crying baby was not hungry and promptly fell asleep on me. Still being a relatively new mum, I panicked and tried to discuss times of last feeds. I realised I would get nowhere with him, when he explained that the pipework was in at least two different locations.

I suppose it's an improvement on his nocturnal wanderings to check for "activity outside the door", informing me there were no sleeping babies on the landing; or his knife and fork request when I asked him to change a nappy.

He's a fantastic father and really very helpful, most of the time. Just not very good at middle-of-the-night waking up. Sleeps too deeply. I'm going to have to resign myself to that bit always being my job. I should be thankful that his deep sleep allows him to be an early riser so he can do the early shift.

I wonder what all this pipework was...?

As an aside, baby boy slept almost six hours before feeding. They said he might be sleepy after his jabs and clearly he was. Fed like an animal fresh out of hibernation all afternoon, so I guess he had enough resources to take him through the night.

Right...time for the man's early shift to start. Baby boy has a stinky nappy. :-)

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