Monday, 16 December 2013

Baby steps

Clever boy vomited so effectively into my bra today that he didn't spill a single drop on the rest of my clothes. Had a bit down his own clothes, but the rest was nicely collected in a vomitty pool in my bra.

Today he also tried sitting up for the first time. He was kind of propped up in my nursing pillow and he lifted his head and shoulders up off the pillow straining to lean forward, before eventually settling back quite comfortably.

His final cleverness is laughter. He's been laughing in his sleep a while, but only last week started laughing at the red space monster hanging from his play mat. The other day, the clever boy laughed at a real person. My youngest brother managed to get him to laugh via Skype. Great entertainment. Since then his daddy has managed to make him laugh on numerous occasions too. Clever boy. :-)

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