Thursday, 29 May 2014

Losing my Zen

Even four hours in a stretch would be good. And no 4.30am wake-up call. At least I got another hour after that, thanks to the wonderful man who helped to create this non-sleeper. 

I thought we had it cracked - started putting him to sleep at 6pm instead of 7pm and, for a while, instead of waking at 5.30am, he was waking at 6.30am. He was getting over 12 hours sleep a night (not including his 3 or 4 night feedings). Now we're back to around 10 hours a night...but because of his earlier sleep time, unfortunately his wake time is also earlier. 

Anyway, he is super cranky, not surprisingly, has shadows under his eyes and is now on his second nap of the morning - the first being just half an hour and coinciding with my porridge at 7am.

I'm tired. Lack of sleep seeds doubts in my mind about all sort of things and makes me weepy. I don't want pity or sympathy, I just want positivity around me. I don't want focus (or indeed any comments) on this lack of sleep thing as it makes me focus on it (unless you're in the same position as me and need to share). I just want positive people around me as then your positivity infuses my soul and gives me succour. That is, unless you have a miraculous remedy or tactic (that doesn't involve Valium or soundproof rooms)...then you can talk to me about sleep (or lack of it). :-)


  1. AnonymousMay 29, 2014

    Hey I totally get how sleep deprivation messes with one's thinking. Try and make yourself put off contemplations that creep in until a point when you are better rested. I don't trust my tired brain to be able to accurately asses...well anything really.

    much love

    V xx

  2. Thanks sweetpea. :-) xx


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