Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Post tooth bedtime

Not entirely sure what else changed in my boy when his first two teeth popped out, but this evening, instead of his usual fairly quiet evening fall asleep routine, he spent half an hour crawling around his cot and flopping down on his tummy, rubbing his head into the mattress, my legs, my tummy, then grabbing my trouser leg with his teeth and tugging, crawling around again...chatting all the time, before finally flopping on his belly in a seemingly asleep pose. I left it ten minutes before stealthily, ninja like, rolling off the bed, and his little hand shot out and grabbed mine, preventing me leaving. He did this little hand grabbing thing twice, melting my heart, so I lay next to him (not because of the heart being melted and physically preventing me, but because of the heart metaphorically melting and preventing me), and I waited until he'd properly fallen asleep.

Had all four sides been on his cot, I wonder if he'd have fallen asleep on his own, but unfortunately his pre-bathtime routine usually has him in his cot listening to music. Today I heard a tiny sound and popped in to the bedroom to see him (mid bath being run) and he had hiked over two pillows and a piled up duvet and abseiled down the other side, and was making a run for the edge of the bed. I couldn't leave him to fall asleep on his own!!

Anyway, he's now asleep and I am sewing and watching fun TV. All is well with the heart. I meant, of course, that all is well with the world, but my fingers typed 'heart' instead, so I thought I'd leave it as it typed. My heart is still a little bit soft from the earlier melting, so all is well, as well, with the heart.

Fingers crossed for better sleep tonight! :-)

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