Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Toddler ailments

Nothing worse than finding your toddler in bed with his face covered in blood. Thought it was a brain hemorrhage.

It turns out that it's very common when little people have stuffy noses and nasty colds; and it seems our little one has a very nasty 'cold' - tonsillitis and an ear infection. No wonder he's been extremely clingy, unhappy and not sleeping. Hopefully once the antibiotics kick in, we'll all get happier and start sleeping again.

I suspected as much last night when he signed 'pain' and I asked where the pain was and he kept hitting his right ear (the one with the infection in it). My clever boy. And my poor, poor, unhappy, hurty little boy.

All in all, it's been a pretty rough start to the year, with evil illness after evil illness, each one seemingly worse than the previous one. I'm ready for a good night's sleep, but I suspect it's not happening just yet, as our little person seems to have developed bed-avoidance, wailing every time he is taken near it.

Perhaps it'll be a case of dinner with a toddler on my lap, then bed for us all.

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