So we've now been in Croatia well over a week, I'm sure. I'm mostly spending my time running after the munchkin, playing in dubious-looking sand, batting away mosquitos in one of the two playgrounds we've found and swimming with him, which is my favourite pastime. He's developed a liking of climbing onto my back, so I swim for both of us. Sometimes he lets go and waves his arms through the water as if he's also swimming and sometimes he kicks his legs, but mostly he climbs as high up as possible to get away from the cold, occasionally seemingly trying to climb onto my head. He's enjoying the sea, especially waves which make him squeal with delight, and he enjoys the pool too, the last time launching himself from the side into my arms, often unpredictably, often in response to an awareness of being watched by someone. He likes to put on a performance!
He's developing a lot at the moment, new words, new sentences, greater understanding of concepts, such as numbers. His imagination is also developing. He assures me most earnestly that we have a blue dinosaur outside our front gate. It might be a triceratops. The imagination is vivid and active, as mine always has been, and he has started also waking from anxious dreams, I think caused by daddy not being here, grandad leaving and other uncertainties and unpredictabilities. He has been talking all day about the bad dream he woke from at lunchtime, which is apparently on top of the wardrobe. Something to do with a hurt man - at one point it was the man on the crucifix in the living room, then it was daddy, then it was grandad.
Although we're both tired (developmental sleep disruption enchanced by a bout of final set of molar teething) we're both enjoying being outside most of the time. I think he also enjoys having so much time with mama (and bakica), though he loves chatting to strangers too (if they're men, cats or dogs). I'm also shedding baby bump fat, confirming my suspicion that most of it was bacon, bagel and chocolate fat, not baby. I'm now a more sensible size. Tiring work pushing the munchkin and his apparatus up and down hills, but good to be getting fitter again.
Now, I must go, so I can share our donkey ramble with you. ☺
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