Saturday, 27 February 2016

Sleep times

We're slowly settling into newborn/toddler sleep patterns and getting used to four in a bed. Cosleeping certainly helps with breastfeeding and my nine-day old has now well exceeded her birth weight on boob alone.

Anyway, while she may be awake for hours overnight, the toddler has slept through the last three nights (amazing and a first for him), which helps massively as he refuses to sleep in his own room at the moment. I've tried asking him why and this is our conversation.

Me: why don't you like your room anymore?
Him: dream outside in dark. Scared.
Me: there's a scary dream when it's dark outside?
Him: uh hmmm. Mama cleaned it away and gone to real dark now.
Me: the scary dream in the dark has gone to the real dark now?
Him: um hmmm. Scared. Dream, dark outside.
Me: but your room isn't scary anymore because mama cleaned the dream away.
Him: hmm. Dream walked away into real dark outside. Scared. Sleep in mama room.

I think that's his final word on things. Not sure how to convince him that his room is fine, but obviously in his mind, it's not OK. Not at night anyway. Nap time sleep in his room is fine. I guess we need to keep our dialogue open on this one!

Anyway, I came across this article on reasons why toddlers won't sleep and found it rang true and made me laugh, so I'm sharing it here.

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