Thursday, 22 September 2016

Today's excellent happenings

I'm going to be very boring with teething, but it really helps me get through the hell of it if I celebrate the countdown to 20. So, baby girl has a second tooth. Woohoo! Only 18 more to go. I am truly happy. There are two more on the very verge of emerging, perfectly placed to cause agony on the third birthday weekend of my toddler.

The baby girl, 7 months and 4 days, STOOD ON HER OWN today. She promptly fell over, but she did it. She's also been spending ages trying to work out how to climb steps. I am less pleased about this as I can see it will end in tears at some point, but I'm hugely impressed with the standing.

None of us slept last night (baby girl teething and toddler boy being starving ravenous at 1.30am, necessitating a bowl of cereal with toddler whispering (aka shouting) accompanying the meal). After a cup of very nice caffeinated tea (Covent Garden Tea House heavenly tea) my day was surprisingly enjoyable. Our rugby was cancelled, but we didn't get the message, so the two coaches played with the toddler for 45 minutes instead. He adores them and had a whale of a time. Baby girl happily sat in dirt and ate tofu and black olives. I happily sat on a step in the sunshine, getting covered in half chewed tofu and black olives.

We perused the (toy) contents of four charity shops. Satisfaction all round.

Man was home for dinner which made for peaceful and enjoyable dinner.

So the day ended with sleeping baby puking on my bed, but the sheets needed changing anyway, so I have a nice clean bed to look forward to. And she fell asleep again quickly.

All in all, a great day. Small blessings make for happiness and contentment.

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