Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Business daydreams

Not much to report - the little man is napping.

At Rovenska, the air was breezy and the skies cloudy, but lovely. The water was cold and choppy and not to the little man's taste. He was distinctly unimpressed with me for dipping his toes in, so I extracted him and got him fully dressed - shorts and t-shirt, just nappies will not do today! He fed...almost fell asleep, then heard something and opened his eyes, sat up and started grinning and chomping at the bit - and with this metaphor I am not talking about me as the bit - no he was tugging on my arms trying to crawl off across the beach to his new little girl friend, who is just two weeks older than he is.

Unfortunately this meant no swimming for me today, as he was in desperate need of sleep, so we packed up and he happily fell asleep on the way home and is now snoozing in his buggy in the living room, his watering can tucked nicely under his chin.

Some of his nappies are dry and in the bedroom ready for use. The others I have strategically arranged around the garden to maximise sun-time.

I've been thinking about the businesses here. The bar/cafe at Rovenska repeatedly fails. It is open, it fails and closes down, and then someone else opens it. Every single time they make people pay for the use of toilets (which remain closed), sun loungers (which cover most of the beach, empty) and sunshades (which stand, closed, in a corner). It doesn't make sense. There are no improvements or renovations to the bar. I can picture it in my head, renovated, with sofas, wicker floors, floor standing lamps for the evening and mosquito netting windows with shutters. Some people sitting alone, reading a book, with tea or coffee, or, even, a beer. Families lunching. Couples enjoying a sunset cocktail. I can see rag rugs covering the floors. I can imagine free sun loungers and sunshades, and a person (probably an attractive woman or muscular man) wandering around offering cocktails (alcoholic and fruit juice), water and snacks and I can imagine this offering a much more pleasant environment. It's the same up at Punta, near the paddling pools. There is no shade for the children over the shallow baby pools or next to the pools. There are no bars to buy snacks and light lunches. Both places are perfect for small children, and both places I could imagine spending the day if they were more suitably equipped and kitted out. With good marketing, they could make more money, but all this requires investment. It's a shame. They both could be lovely (as opposed to 'acceptable') and more people would come...and more people would stay...and people would spend more.

Anyway, the chicken soup is cooking its dumplings (courtesy of Bakica) and the sky is clouding over again. Time for me to stop indulging myself with my laptop and indulging myself with day dreams.

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