Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Update on sleepy time (mark 2)

So, the boy is struggling to nap in the daytime again - unfortunately things like his Bakica sweeping, or the sound of rain outside or the rustling of plastic bags, or anything vaguely exciting, stops him falling asleep. So I resorted to the sling again. And now he's napping very happily.

His overnight sleep the last three nights has been amazing however. He's been going to bed around 8pm (7pm home time) and waking between 7am and 8am (6am and 7am home time). This means he's finally getting a good long nighttime sleep stretch. He's waking up an awful lot to feed and also to do his staggering around the cot, though usually he just wakes to wriggle his little body closer to me and to flop onto my belly, shoulder or chest so he can continue his sleep closer to me.

His nighttime antics are melting my heart at the moment and I feel so acutely aware that they will be short-lived and on a very nearby day, not far into the future, he will no longer need me on a daily basis to snuggle to, or to help him sleep or cuddle while he dreams. So I shall enjoy them for what they are - a very sweet, loving and temporary nighttime phase.

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