I've arrived in Hong Kong. I've unpacked the contents of the most enormous suitcase in the world, into the smallest bedroom in the world. I really do rock when it comes to fitting things into small spaces. Need to put up a few photos and it will feel like home. Almost. There is even soya milk in the fridge.
My holiday is over and how wonderful it was. Like a dream. I have loads of Thai baht left, so I have to go back. This is my way of making sure. I had some HK dollars in my purse and it made me come back.
It's funny to be here, funny to be in someone else's home alone, funny to be on the 25th floor. I feel a bit dizzy. Seriously, I do. Could have sworn my building was wobbling before. Hmm. I thought there was no washing machine, but I found it on the balcony. That's funny too. Seriously need to figure out how to use it, if nothing else so I can work out if all my clothes fit into the wardrobe.
Today is a day of adjustment. I am tired. It's been a long day. I woke up at 6.30am, did some Tai Chi, had a shower, managed to fit in my last Thai breakfast of rice soup and a cup of tea, and then went to Bangkok airport, to find myself sitting on a plane in between two snoring men, with a lady in front of me who found it necessary to keep her chair at horizontal the entire flight even while eating. I used it as a meditation in tolerance and patience.
I am now eight hours ahead of the UK, seven hours ahead of those in Europe, 13 hours ahead of Toronto and one hour ahead of Chiang Mai. Same timezone as my eldest nephew. If any of you are elsewhere, you'll have to work out the time difference yourself. With that, I bid you goodnight.
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