Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Vegetarianism and Tai Chi

I love the food here. Kathy asks me what kind of food I would like, which is a difficult question for me to answer. Often in London I might say "Hm, maybe Thai." Here, not a helpful response, so I go by interior design. I say, "Hm, maybe quiet with some greenery around and a shady outdoor area."

However, I am getting tired of picking out caterpillars, ants and flies from my food. Anything soup-like or with cauliflower, generally, contains one of the above. Even the vegetarian meals. Does accidental-insectage and otherwise count as making a meal non-vegetarian? What if you pick out the aforementioned? My tolerance for eating accidental ingredients is much higher than a week ago.

Perhaps it is general bugness that I am getting better with. I was relatively okay sharing my toilet with a huge Mama Spider. Relatively. I maintained a spinal twist while seated on the loo, so my eyes could keep locked with hers, to ensure no rapid movement of those hairy legs.

So I wonder. While Thai food has many vegetarian options, is it truly vegetarian if it contains insects and caterpillars?

There is no link in this post with vegetable eaters and Tai Chi. It's just the other notable issue of the day. I had my first class with a wonderful teacher on Moon Muang Soi 9, on the terrace of a shaded wooden hut with the sunshine slanting through the trees. I loved it.

I will go home this evening and practice what I learned. No doubt badly. But we all have to start somewhere. No-one is perfect. :-)

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