Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Talking chihuahuas and other things

My tip for the day came through as At the end of the day, spend a few minutes looking back at your day and simply write 'OK'. If you weren't OK, then just put a line through 'OK'. Don't go into detail - keep it simple. Put your mind to rest and get a good night's sleep. I realised my day was more than okay, despite the initial anxieties.

Lesson One: talking chihuahuas versus BBC World News
Last night I learned a good lesson. While trying to stay awake long enough to allow me to adjust to this timezone I realised that watching a film with talking chihuahuas in it is not good for jetlag and its slightly hallucinatory side effects. I decided after about 45 mins (and I still can't understand how I managed to watch it this long) to watch the BBC World News. Aaah. :-) I have finally found a motivation to watch the news! BBC is such a source of stability in my life, that I found it very stabilising for jetlag too. Although I did watch the same news about 15 times. I LOVE the BBC news. Now how many of you ever thought you'd hear me say this??

I know all about what's going on in Pakistan and with Barclays and with a book about North Korea called There's Nothing to Envy. Sounds very interesting and I learned more about the world. :-)

Lesson Two: eat food
Food is very important to aid jetlag even if one is not hungry. I wasn't hungry for the whole of yesterday and while this morning's fare of spicy rice or full English that in no way resembled anything you'd get in a greasy spoon did not appeal, I ate and I feel better. I also had two cups of very odd tea, but I think they did the job.

Lesson Three: eggs
Itinerary and (very odd) scrambled eggs do not mix. As an aside, how can scrambled eggs taste odd? Such a basic recipe you'd have thought they would taste good anywhere, but no. I now fully appreciate (with fervour) Siy's scrambled eggs.

Lesson Four: cereal bars and not forgetting one's guide
Cereal bars are a Godsend when one is too scared to buy street food (having foolishly left one's Thailand guide at home).

Lesson Five: do not drink where pigeons have supped
So this morning I went for a swim and while I luxuriated in the cool water with the sticky air to wrap me in its arms when I emerged, I noticed a little pigeon supping from the pool. Do not drink water which pigeons drink from. I shudder with the thought of even a drop passing my lips.

So that's it for now. As I have only a few hours left in Bangkok, I am going to go and try to find a river. Failing that, perhaps somewhere peaceful to meditate. Surely there is a temple nearby or a park...?

Chiang Mai tonight. :-)

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