Tuesday 20 December 2011

Gentler activities

On Sunday, having attempted snowboarding on Saturday while being premenstrual (and therefore having very poor balance and co-ordination), I decided I needed a gentle day, so I went with my brother and his girlfriend to visit one of their friends - a kind gentle New Zealander who lives in a house he built 30 years ago - while they went off to ski.

I sat with their friend a while, drinking loose leaf tea made with tea filters and in a pot, chomping on home made chocolate chip cookies, and we talked mainly about Norway, his house building and our work. He scans sheep to see if they are pregnant and he manages the green at the local golf course. Shortly he went off to do some chores and I remained in his hill top house with its enormous windows, wood burning stove and views of snow, pines and hills, slowly watching the sun go down, enjoying its light on my face. It is a beautiful place to live, peaceful, but somewhat isolated, I felt. I spent some time 'working from home' in this heavenly place, until the crew returned, all cold and ready for more tea and cookies.

Yesterday I did girlie shopping stuff and picked up some fabulous bargains from what is quite possibly the best charity shop I've ever visited. I know my sister would love it - her only challenge would be how to carry all the stuff back home again!

Today and tomorrow I am working from home again, but staying in my brother's house. There is no sunshine visible from his house this deep into winter, so instead I am watching the old moon rise over the hill line, as the sky slowly starts to brighten.

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