Friday 27 August 2010

The empathic civilisation

I have long thought that people are essentially good and wired up to love one another. Would love it if we (including myself) were all able to empathise with everyone else, seeing that each person is just another person - seeing the similarities among us, rather than the differences. Understanding that most aggression is defence, not attack, and feeling empathy rather than anger or hate. Since when did our own negativity ever beat or overcome someone else's negativity? Really. Certainly in my own experience, never. You haven't won if you beat someone in an argument; you have won if you don't need to resort to arguing in the first place. You're not fighting the other person; rather you are fighting your own ego, or maybe, your ego is fighting their ego - whatever is it, this isn't your true selves engaging in communication.

I would love for myself and everyone else to extend our empathy from those we love, or perhaps even those we see suffering on the streets in our home town, or seeing a small child cry afraid when it loses its mother, to the entire world regardless of race, religion, country or number of ears. A bit fanciful or unrealistic? Why not? Why couldn't it be this way?

Our brains fire up when we empathise as if we were experiencing the event ourselves. Most of us are wired up to feel what others feel - even those that struggle to see what others feel still get it, it's just harder for them to see. "We are not wired up for aggression, violence and self-interest, but for sociability, companionship, affection, attachment and the drive to belong." Do you believe that? I do. The first existential inklings of a child - that we are born and die with our own unique history - allow a child to develop empathy. Empathy is not necessary if there is no suffering or anxiety - it is about the ability to show solidarity with others who also struggle and fight for a good life.

As long as there is suffering and pain, we need to practice empathy.

Anyway, these rather random and perhaps disjointed thoughts came out of a short clip that a friend sent to me. It's a very interesting piece on the need for empathy in this world and is much better thought out than my writings. I have to apply for various placements and then take the rubbish out, before helping with plastering. Sorry I didn't devote more time to my logic and the development of my thoughts. Still, better something to make you think, than nothing, right?

This clip is only 10 minutes long. Check it out:  The Empathic Civilisation

And apparently the Bible got it right - we did indeed come from one woman and one man. I wonder if they could see us now, whether they'd be proud of us or not.

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