Monday 23 August 2010


London: parks nice, my friends nice, my sister's flat nice, transport horrid, rude people horrid, smelly armpits horrid, people who stand on my foot and don't apologise horrid, people who smack me in the head because I'm too short horrid, people who don't smile back horrid, man on tube who pressed his buttocks against my back probably also because I'm too short horrid, people who try to lean on me to create more space for themselves on the tube horrid, endless hours spent trying to get around London horrid.

Why do so many people glare at me when I try to smile cheerfully at them? Will I end up like that if I stay in Horrid Town?

I want a magic flying bubble full of sunshine, peace and love.


  1. It's called Norway,

    ...although it doesn't fly,

    you can go paragliding in Voss if you like. Just a few stops down the train line in the direction of Bergen.

  2. Hm. I'll bear this in mind for one day when it might be useful. Might store it with all the empty boxes and toilet roll holders... ;-)


Lovely to see your thoughts.