Wednesday 13 April 2011

The gift of a black cat

An enormous black furry fat cat pranced across the road in front of me as I cycled home from my counselling placement. I don't care what other people think; for me, a black cat = good luck. I shall, therefore, be expecting some good news in the next few weeks.

Feeling positive and on the up, despite the damp weather and the cold air. Sunshine, I know you're just hiding for a bit, you want a bit of solitude, and soon you'll be coming out to play again. When you do, I'll be ready and waiting. :-)


  1. I saw a black cat on me way home on Wednesday and I got a flat tyre on the way to work yesterday, 13th...Should I become superstitious???

  2. Never be superstitious unless it's good luck - that's my motto. Why bring unnecessary anxiety into your life? But, *maybe* if you hadn't got a flat tyre, something worse would have happened, so maybe it *was* good luck. :-)


Lovely to see your thoughts.