Wednesday 20 June 2012

Falling in love

I wrote this a while ago and thought it might be a good time to share it.

"Falling in love, I had always thought, was electric – a passionate frisson of fire, chemistry and jumping sparks, with a nervous uncertainty deep inside. Love, I thought, by definition, made one anxious and on edge, unable to think of anything or anyone else when alone, and totally absorbed in it and by it when with the object of this love. It had never occurred to me that it could be this gentle, natural sun‑warming. It had never occurred to me before that electricity was man-made and is a temporary means of creating a light that fills your world for a moment, sometimes blinding you to what’s behind it, like a spotlight or a torch shining in your eyes. It never occurred to me that it’s the sun that has always been – burning brighter without blinding, and for longer without ending – a source of light that not only lights the way, but that warms your skin and heart and that, when you turn your face up towards it, casts all shadows behind you."

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