Wednesday 2 January 2013


It's a new year. Hearing '2013', for the first time, made me feel as if I was living in the future. It struck me how clearly I recall the moment we hit midnight on 31 December 1999 and we entered a new millennium. I recall clearly how I felt and what I hoped for. It now seems so long ago, yet over in the blink of an eye.

We went to see Life of Pi at the cinema for New Year's Eve this year (after a delicious meal of sushi and sashimi). It left me full of thoughts. When we left I took away that it was basically saying "Would you prefer to believe the interesting story full of wonder and meaning and love, or the harsh story with nothing kind or wondrous in its lines?" I know that I would prefer to believe the interesting story.

The clarity I received from the film is that life is definitely more beautiful and contains more happiness for me, if I believe in and see around me a world full of beauty, love, laughter, meaning, kindness and purpose; than if I see a harsh world full of cruelty, and a lack of meaning or purpose.

Anyway, away from heavy thoughts. 2013 in the UK dawned sunny and bright and so, as is my wont on New Year's Day, went outside for healthy and invigorating outdoor action. This year we went into the forest for a muddy, sodden bike ride.

Me on my bike (above)

My man on his bike (left)

Sunshine through the trees (right)

1 comment:

Lovely to see your thoughts.