Friday 15 December 2017

The kindness of a child

The biggest, this morning, asked how well I slept and when I said terribly (due to daughter's itching hands and my cold), gave me a head massage and sang to me to help me feel better. I had to gather up my melted heart!

He's been worried, of late, about living alone as an adult. We had a long chat yesterday about how he never has to live alone if he doesn't want to. He can live in house share or a commune or cohousing. I have never lived alone (at 40) and never desired to. I think this comforted him.

The littlest, meanwhile, has been busy learning. Learning everything. She recognises four and six, and can count to ten. She's learning colours and sentences. We were blowing bubbles in the garden yesterday and as they floated out of her reach, she shouted "Get back!"

Development of children is the most fascinating thing ever to me. It is a wholly absorbing process, where I try to miss nothing that needs resolving or amending. Good foundations allow a strong structure.

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