Monday 8 August 2011

The holiday continues

Although I'm home again, my skin is still tanned, my hairs are still blonder and some of my clothes still smell of my Mama's washing powder and the air of the Island of Losinj. If I close my eyes I am back there.

This year I realised that although the Island still holds magic for me, its magic has lessened. I was disappointed at first to realise this, but the reason why is a good one. I used to escape there in search of peace and relaxation - now my life at home is the most relaxing place to be and so the contrast no longer exists. It's still an exceptionally beautiful place and despite eating more than the usual, including cake, I seem to have lost two kilos somewhere along the way. The land, the air and the sea are good for me and make me healthy. I walk more, climb more, swim more. My body is pushed and challenged, because I have a desire to seek and explore. My curiosity takes me further than my body thinks it can go.

As I contemplated this loss of magic, I started to recognise that the things I do there, I now also do here. I walk more, climb more, exercise more. I then realised that I've not lost any magic, but that I've been lucky enough to have gained more of it - that this magic is now present in my every day life, plus some!

I wish you all magic in your lives. As I've realised for myself, the only thing stopping you having magic and living the dream is your own mind. The secret is to be in the present moment and to hear and see what is really here in the world. The only thing holding you back is you.

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