Tuesday 23 August 2011

Hyper drive Ninki

This little Ninki is a little bit on hyper drive at the moment. I feel as if everything is happening at once - job application, two freelance projects, trying to set up my own business, trying to do my case study, helping my counselling organisation bid for new work and trying to get my book written.

On top of that it turns out that I have mild sciatica. I've had it before and much worse, so I vaguely know how to deal with it (ibuprofen, rest and gentle exercise), but it's frustrating and painful. No running or cycling, which means two buses to and a lift home from my placement (no return buses after 7.30pm - this isn't London folks!). I'm allowed only to walk fast and do some nice stretches. I guess I'd better start swimming and yoga again and cut down on the cross-trainer, rowing machine and recumbent bike machine thing. :-(

So, my focus goes inwards as I prioritise and waste not a single minute of the day. Even rest and relaxation will get timetabled. Better to do today what I can, because tomorrow may bring more demands. :-)

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