Wednesday 1 August 2012

Not George

So I had a very strange dream last night. I was in some kind of lab, or classroom or something and everyone had a pet mouse or a pet rat.

I started off with a pet mouse, but he ran away and was so tiny that I couldn't catch him. Then they (whoever 'they' were) gave me a pet rat. As we spoke - because, to everyone else's surprise, my rat could speak - it emerged that he was a robotic rat and he had been assigned to me for some purpose, kind of like my guardian. Those that had assigned him were not the 'they' I mentioned before, but some higher power who I was not aware existed. They did not know of this higher power either - only my pet robotic rat knew of him or her. My rat also told me that he had AI and was perfectly capable of any task I should choose to assign him.

Finally, he told me his name. I thought he was going to tell me it was George or something else equally sensible, but it was a two-part name that is now hovering on the periphery of my memory, something like Reasonably Practical or Sensibly Reasonable or Practically Normal. None of these things, but something very similar.

I am left with an oddness in my mind, as if something happened of importance or maybe that his name was very important, but now I have forgotten it and maybe this is a bad thing...but even so, I have a sense he is somewhere in my mind, prowling the corridors of my neurons to make sure that everything is functioning as it ought to be.


Lovely to see your thoughts.