Tuesday 11 December 2012

Snail curiosity

Usually, coming home from swimming on a Tuesday evening at 10pm, we have a dimly lit snail-based obstacle course down the side of the house. This misty dark evening there were none and I wondered where our little friends go when it is below zero. Much as I detest accidentally standing on them and hearing that awful crunch, I don't like the thought of their moist little bodies freezing solid, even if it would act as a kind of armour.

Some say they that as they magically disappear just as sprouts appear on our plates, clearly they turn into little green cabbages and jump onto supermarket shelves. Others say they go to Camden. Some say they burrow deeply and freeze, hibernating until they warm up again, while others say they produce anti-freeze in their blood.

Other, possibly more sensible people, say that they crawl beneath stuff and wait it out until winter, hibernating until things warm up again. It appears, you see, that the deeper you go (as with water), the warmer it gets. Clever snails, sleeping through winter.

I'm not really interested enough to do any more snail-related delving, because my curiosity is satisfied by the word 'hibernate'. They obviously go somewhere warmer (if darker) for the winter months and that's enough for me to know.

Anyway, I came across a cute website that I thought I'd share with you, in case you ever decide you want a pet snail. It's called My Pet Snail.

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