Saturday 15 June 2013

Road closure

So our main road is closed, which means we have to find another route. I thought it was a blessing in disguise, as we found a reasonable restaurant in which to have lunch, but it seems I was grossly mistaken.

We bumped into a family of total crazies. To be fair, I thought they were rather odd when we came in, no smiles, sitting in silence in the corner, a woman, her seven-ish year old son and her over-sun-wrinkled mother.

I took my mobile phone out, which incidentally is not connected to any kind of network, so I could use my translation app, and as they left, she waited for my man to leave to get something from the car, charged towards me, and, waggling her finger in my face, accused me of damaging her grandson and killing my unborn child with radio waves, by using my mobile. I calmly thanked her and explained that I had read plenty research and did not believe the danger to be that serious.

"You do not BELIEVE" she said, as if her beliefs were somehow more rooted in fact, stepping closer to me and sticking her finger in my face.

I said I found her very aggressive and she repeated that I was killing her child. I asked her to leave me alone.

She disappeared around the corner, I'm assuming, to pay, and then she returned to attack again, this time with her early 40s daughter and child. I asked again for them to go away and leave me alone. The daughter rather childishly muttered "Leave me alone" in a whiney voice, presumably meant to be me, as they stormed out the building, presumably oblivious to all the other customers' phones and the wifi flowing throughout the whole complex.

And I notice, they choose to pick on the most vulnerable person, as a group, armed with their 'facts.'

I'm still shaking from the unspoken aggression in their bodies and wish I'd been more composed than I was, but I suspect no amount of discussion would have prevented that reaction. They were little angry bombs waiting to explode at whoever got in their path.

I hope I never meet anyone like them again and I feel incredibly sorry for that poor child, having to live with people like that.

Oh, and don't worry, I'm fine. I just needed to write, get it out of my system and leave behind this horrible experience.

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