Saturday 22 January 2011

34 clicks

Just come back from seeing Tron in 3D. Relatively entertaining. Brilliant recreation of 2D computer games into 3D. Fantastic effects, very comfy VIP seats, but terribly cheesy acting. Cheesy line - "What does the sun look like?" "Well, no-one's ever asked me that before. Warm, radiant and beautiful." Cue to shot of beautiful girl looking demure and unaware of her beauty and his recognition that he thinks she's pretty hot. Amusing.

I was a little restless when I got back so I typed in some random letters to google (which happened to be kj) and clicked through the internet 34 times (my age, in case any of you had forgotten) to see what came up. It turned out that a page on copyleft came through.

I know all about copyleft through brotherly brainwashing a few years ago. Thought it was an interesting way to generate random ideas or as a way to find inspiration or a starting point for something. I might try it again sometime, though as a tip (if you're thinking of trying it at home), set the number of clicks before you start, otherwise you might not know where or when to stop and end up clicking through many sunrises until one day you realise you're old.

Night night all. xx

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