Wednesday 12 January 2011

What is feminism?

I watched a short talk on TED today. I was drawn by the name of the author - Isabel Allende. I read a book of hers over summer and was totally immersed for a few days. House of the Spirits, I think. So I watched her talk.

I expected passion. I expected to be interested. I didn't expect the raw and real nature of her personality - though I should have done, based on her writing. I realised how much, as writers, we open up our souls to others. It's a risk, but it's a risk that I believe pays off because it allows readers to think or to open themselves up in response - whether internally or to others doesn't matter because both are important. It's the hidden sides of myself that I want to read about, because then I recognise myself, I recognise the human nature in what I'm reading and I know that what is written is true. It doesn't matter if it's fiction or fantastical or full of magic. On one level, I know it has truth in it. I know it's something worth reading.

So the video I watched? It's about passion, support for women, justice and dignity. Isabel Allende tells tales of passion and talks about how she wants to make the world a good place - not better, but good.

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