Tuesday 13 April 2010


I am so glad I got that grump out of the way before my visitor descends. Now I just have the agony of cramps for a few days. By the time he arrives, I will by grump and cramp free.

Today is warm and sticky with some sunshine and high humidity. Although my hair is rapidly becoming what can only be described as ridiculous, my skin is wonderful, as are all my mucous membranes. The first time they have been this happy.

I decided to take a break from writing while my eldest brother, Mil, reviews my first draft. I found I couldn't. I was inspired with an idea and wrote almost 8,000 words today. I have other ideas, all of which shall be sent when I have completed them.

Everything has a silver lining.

Mil's blogs: about Mil, 21st Century Fix and Cogwriter.


  1. Am still here, dearest sis. Reviewing going well. Should have it finished by Thursday afternoon. Thanks for the link love, by the way! And the nice comments over at my place. Love the trees background you've added.

  2. Pleasure and thanks. Have another 10,000 words or so to send over when it's done. Had an idea. And some more ideas too which have not yet resulted in anything. Maybe we can have a quick chat tomorrow? It's your day off, right? xx


Lovely to see your thoughts.