Sunday 14 March 2010

The fish ate my tan

We had our feet and hands nibbled by fishies today. Little dark brown things. It was the most bizarre sensation at first and took a lot of getting used to. And pretending it wasn't fish. It kind of feels horrible at first, then like something is buzzing on your skin, like the water is somehow vibrating. Loads of tiny little suckers nibbling the surface of your skin. The tiniest movement and they respond. As soon as another piece of flesh enters the water, they're there, nibbling away, seeing what fresh flesh brings to them.

Looking down at your feet, you look like you're wearing big brown boots. Made of live flesh nibbling fish.

When I got out, I was so boring - I had to apologise to my new friend - I was so amazed at my cuticles and my nails. Polished they looked. My skin looked glowing and shiny, like I'd been reborn.

Sadly, however, the fish also ate my tan. Back to having white slabs of marble for feet.

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